
World Stars at Budapest Jazz Club: Emmet Cohen Trio
Multifaceted American jazz pianist and composer Emmet Cohen is one of his generation's pivotal figures in music and the related arts. Leader of the Emmet Cohen Trio and creator of the Masters Legacy Series, he is an internationally acclaimed jazz artist, a dedicated educator, the winner of the 2019 American Pianists Awards, and a finalist in the 2011 Thelonious Monk International Piano Competition.

World Stars at Budapest Jazz Club: Emmet Cohen Trio
Multifaceted American jazz pianist and composer Emmet Cohen is one of his generation's pivotal figures in music and the related arts. Leader of the Emmet Cohen Trio and creator of the Masters Legacy Series, he is an internationally acclaimed jazz artist, a dedicated educator, the winner of the 2019 American Pianists Awards, and a finalist in the 2011 Thelonious Monk International Piano Competition.

The Daniel Nagy Drum School presents: Beat the big drum!
The 2024 graduation concert of the students of the Daniel Nagy Drum School.

Anything can happen on the weekend jam nights when the most popular Hungarian musicians create random formations and play true bebop to entertain the audience.

Harmónia Jazzműhely: Pataj Jazz Quintet feat. Moldovai Dóra
The formation, established in 2009, performs compositions that have become standards of the hard bop musicians from the 1960s-1970s. On this evening, a young singer, Dóra Moldovai, will join the wellrehearsed group, which now enjoys great prestige.

Hungarian Jazz and Musicians in the Southern Hemisphere - László Dormán photo exhibition - opening
László Dormán graduated from the music college in Újvidék. From 1967 he was a photojournalist for the Újvidék Képes Ifjúság, then an editor and presenter of the night programs of Újvidék Radio. From 1974 he hosted a Hungarian-language jazz program on the local radio. He was a member of the Újvidék Jazz Days Council. In 1993 he moved to Hungary, where he became a reporter and editor for Hungarian Radio. He became known primarily for his socio- and reportage photos, his recordings of the battles in South Baranya, and his jazz photos. He also worked in applied photography (book, record and CD covers, advertising photos, illustrations, posters, etc.).
We cordially invite everyone to the opening of the photo exhibition "Hungarian Jazz and Musicians in the Southern Hemisphere" at the Budapest Jazz Club on December 20th at 6:00 PM!

FREE Jam Session Nights: BJC CAFE JAM
After the successful weekend jam sessions, Budapest Jazz Club now welcomes everyone to the new Thursday jams!

FIDELIO Jazz Night: Bálint Gyémánt & Mike Gotthard Duo
Bálint Gyémánt and Mike Gotthard are defining figures of their generation and although they have primarily fulfilled themselves in different musical genres, their thinking and endless commitment to music have been a common connection throughout their careers.

FREE Jam Session Nights: Wednesday Open Jam
Each Wednesday, a different trio of talented young musicians is in charge of good vibes, and they welcome the audience to take part in their game.

BJC Big Band
BJC Big Band has been formed by the greatest Hungarian jazz musicians. Many of their performed songs will be first played in the country.

FREE Jam Session Nights: LFZE Open Jam
Spontaneous & joyful open jam nights of The Liszt Academy of Music’s amazingly talented young musicians every Tuesday.

Játéksziget presents: Balázs Elemér Group
The Elemer Balázs Group, one of Hungary’s most popular jazz band was founded in 2000 by Elemér Balázs, the internationally widely recognized and popular jazz drummer.

We Love Budapest Jazz Night: Orbay Lilla Quintet
Together with Mediterranean elements of style, uniquely rethought and recomposed jazz standards play a huge role in the programme of Orbay Lilla Quintet.

Játéksziget presents: Grinch who stole Christmas
Children program in Hungarian.

Anything can happen on the weekend jam nights when the most popular Hungarian musicians create random formations and play true bebop to entertain the audience.