
Pátkai Rozina & PQR
The concert is unfortunately CANCELLED, the replacement will take place on January 23, 2023! Purchased tickets can be redeemed for 1 week or used for the January 23 concert. Tickets purchased online can be redeemed at the email address, and tickets purchased in the BJC can be redeemed at our ticket office. Thank you for your understanding!
On this night, internationally acclaimed bossa nova performer Rozina Pátkai and her band of like-minded musicians will perform their own multilingual songs in pop and jazz style.

Ég Alatti 5
The ars poetica of this band is to show natural impressions in the form of organic music.

Mesehajó: Kisvakond a nagyvárosban Mesemusical / bábelőadás
Children's program in Hungarian language.

Szakcsi Lakatos Róbert's Gyp-bop feat. Roby Lakatos
Róbert Szakcsi Lakatos, pianist won a wide range of prizes in different musical competitions, such as he was the best pianist in Krakow, the winner of the Montreux Jazz Festival in 2000.

International Drum School Budapest - Masterclass
Masterclass of the International Drum School Budapest. Free entry!

Mesehajó - Tündüs Manó: Az erdő bajnoka
Children's program in Hungarian language.

Harmónia Jazzműhely: Coltrane Legacy
The formation, including five brilliant musicians, plays songs of the one and only John Coltrane as well as original material.

ALERANT Jazz Night: Dresch Quartet
For decades, the band has been consistently and confidently pursuing its own path with an individual blend of Hungarian folk music and Afroamerican jazz.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

Révész Richárd Latin Quartet – Salsa y Mucho Mas
Richárd Révész is one of the most talented pianist of this country. With his band he plays real jazzy latin vibes.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

KúlArt Productions Presents: Kúlart Production: Múviláv
Theatre play in Hungarian.