
LFZE BA and MA Diploma Concert
As last year, the audience can once again hear the BA and MA diploma concerts of the Jazz Department of the Liszt Ferenc University of Music on the BJC stage.

Ecool Jazz Night:

LFZE BA and MA Diploma Concert
As last year, the audience can once again hear the BA and MA diploma concerts of the Jazz Department of the Liszt Ferenc University of Music on the BJC stage.

Kővirágok Énekiskola Gálakoncert
The Kővirágok School of Singing presents it’s “Pop and light music” class to the audience by the end of the school year, for an hour long show.

Glonet presents: Finucci Bros. Quartet Feat. Varga Viktor
Finucci Bros Quartet presents the outstanding instrumentalists and epoch-making composers of jazz.

MÁV Szimfonikus Zenekar: Zene-Tér-Kép Plusz koncertek
Children's program in Hungarian language.

Harmónia Jazzműhely: Bencze Alma Quintet plays Standards
Singer Alma Bencze gifted with a beautiful voice and great feeling who was invited to the legendary 606 Club in London is now presenting her favorite jazz standards to the audience of the Budapest Jazz Club and the Harmony Jazz Workshop.

AVM Presents: SoLaTi
Solati band combines the characteristics of jazz with Hip-Hop, Neo Soul, and R'n'B. The music is written by pianist Tzumo Árpád, and the author of the lyrics is Kriszta Pocsai, who makes the music whole with her brilliant voice.

Ecool Jazz Night:

Makovics 60!
"Makovics 60", the 60th birthday concert of the versatile musician Dénes Makovics. The participants of the event are the artists with whom they perform the most.

KúlArt Productions Presents: Kúlart Production: Múviláv
Theatre play in Hungarian.

Ecool Jazz Night: