
Ecool Jazz Night:

The INFORADIO presents: We Love Budapest Jazz Night: Barabás Lőrinc - Random Wednesday

Grund Színház: Cagematch
In this Hungarian improvisational theatre play, two teams face eachother to form a complete story with just a few words. You can enjoy it without understanding the language.

Ecool Jazz Night:

Harmónia Jazzműhely: Jazz Stargazer - Young Guitarists
The Jazz-stargazer series focuses on promising young talents playing certain instruments. This occasion, we can listen to the future stars of the guitar.

Kúlart Production: Múviláv
Theatre play in Hungarian.

Mesehajó: Kisvakond a nagyvárosban Mesemusical / bábelőadás
Children's program in Hungarian language.

Studio11 Evenings: Studio11 Ensemble feat. Perczel-Kováts Orsolya
On this evening, the Studo11 Ensemble’s guest will be vocalist Orsolya Perczel-Kováts, whose career includes not only her work as a vocal teacher but also numerous theater roles, concerts, and stage performances in a wide variety of genres, both in Hungary and abroad.

The enchanted mouse lady
Children's program in Hungarian language.

Harmónia Jazzműhely: Orbay Lilla Standards
Lilla Orbay is not among the “big names” yet, but she already draws great audiences. This brilliant young outfit of hers presents refreshingly original variations on great jazz standards.

The band has been founded by four siblings, who all play wind instruments. Their music evokes the progressive style of the ’ 60s and ’ 70s.

Ecool Jazz Night: