
Harmónia Jazzműhely: Szakcsi Lakatos Róbert Trio feat. Soso Lakatos Sándor
Pianist Szakcsi Lakatos Róbert has been winning awards for jazz and classical music since 1995, including first place at the Montreux Jazz Festival.

Tálas Áron “Beats From My Heart” - Record Presentation
Anyone involved in Hungarian jazz knows the name of multiinstrumentalist Tálas Áron, who will introduce his newest album on which he plays all instruments.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

The Budapest Turnarounds

Lilienn & Kónyai Tibor feat. Juhász Gábor
The repertoire of the quartet consists of French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian masterpieces, own compositions, elegant jazz evergreens as well as fiery Latin tunes.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

East Gipsy Band
The East Gipsy Band is made up by some of the established stars of the contemporary Hungarian jazz scene.

Hamvadó cigarettavég - Hits in the atmosphere of old times
Musical play in Hunarian lenguage.

Rutkai Bori Band: Space Carnival
Carnival for children

Harmónia Jazzműhely: Borbély Balkan Jazz Project
The Balkan Jazz Project is the latest formation assembled by Mihaly Borbely for which he has picked the most like-minded musicians.