
Ecool Jazz Night: Bágyi Balázs New Quartet
The drummer-composer Balázs Bágyi is one of the prominent figures in the Hungarian jazz scene, regularly performing abroad as well. He has been leading his own bands since his twenties.

MÁV Szimfonikus Zenekar: Zene-Tér-Kép Plusz koncertek
Children's program in Hungarian language.

Harmónia Jazzműhely: Lakatos Ágnes & Oláh Kálmán Concept
Songstress Lakatos Ágnes is one of the most individual voices in the world of Hungarian jazz.

Kalmár Zoltán Quartet
The music of the quartet, which plays mainstream jazz, can be classified as hard bop, which was represented by such legendary artists as Wayne Shorter, Joe Henderson and John Coltrane.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

Veronika Harcsa & Bálint Gyémánt Duo: For the first time in a year!
The internationally known and popular Veronika Harcsa and the highly recognized Bálint Gyémánt singerguitarist duo are a special bright spot of the domestic, and proud to say, even the European music scene.

AVM Presents: Ávéd János Quartet
Uniquely individual members of the Hungarian jazz scene can approach the art of jazz improvisation from the classical tradition.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

KúlArt Productions Presents: Kúlart Production: Múviláv
Theatre play in Hungarian.

Grund Színház: Maestro
Since the audience is the judge of the match from the beginning to the end, no matter what language you speak, you will definitely enjoy this impro event.

Harmónia Jazzműhely: Urbán Orsi Quintet
As one of the most musically educated singers in Hungary, Urbán Orsi is acclaimed amongst musicians country-wide and over the borders as well.