
Fm6/5 - Ferenc Muck 65

Ecool Jazz Night: Bágyi Balázs New Quartet
The drummer-composer Balázs Bágyi is one of the prominent figures in the Hungarian jazz scene, regularly performing abroad as well. He has been leading his own bands since his twenties.

MÁV Szimfonikus Zenekar: Zene-Tér-Kép Plusz koncertek
Children's program in Hungarian language.

Harmónia Jazzműhely: Bolba Éva feat. Balázs József Trio
Bolba Éva is an immensely popular performer who creates a happy, carefree atmosphere wherever she appears.

Orbay Lilla & Pozsár Máté Duo
Orbay Lilla singer-composer-bandleader is one of the most promising young Hungarian talents, who has already claimed several awards for herself.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

Veronika Harcsa & Bálint Gyémánt Duo: For the first time in a year!
The internationally known and popular Veronika Harcsa and the highly recognized Bálint Gyémánt singerguitarist duo are a special bright spot of the domestic, and proud to say, even the European music scene.

KúlArt Productions Presents: Kúlart Production: Múviláv
Theatre play in Hungarian.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

Budapest Jazz Orchestra 50+3
BJO believes in the importance of making the music available to the jazz-loving audience, to show them how it has changed and evolved in the past decades, and to introduce them to the various performers who are considered as milestones in this style of music.