
Harmónia Jazzműhely: Margittai és Társai Jazz Est: Oláh Krisztián Quartet feat. Lukács Miklós - Crescendo "LP release"

Gadó Gábor Quintet
Guitarist, Gábor certainly is, but he is above all a composer, not the author of melodic themes open to improvisation between two talks, but composer of great forms, between the Coltrane of Offering and the chamber music of David Schnitke and the choirs of Arvo Part.

Hász Eszter Quintet
In this evening the band will play the original songs from their debut album, called AQUA.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

World Stars at Budapest Jazz Club: Christian Sands Trio
Christian Sands is an outstanding keyboard player of the young generation, who is leading the way for his contemporaries in the jazz world.

Symbiosis Quintet
The Budapest-based Symbiosis Quintet plays instrumental jazz. The members of the quintet met within the walls of the Liszt Ferenc University of Music and the Béla Bartók Conservatory, and all of them are active members of the Hungarian jazz scene.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

Budapest Bossanova
Authentic bossa nova vibes from Brasil, intimate, light tunes with traditional bossa rhythm.