
FREE Jam Session Nights:

KúlArt Productions Presents: Swing me Amadeus
Theatre play in Hungarian lenguage with a lot of music!

Vázsonyi 50!
This is a birthday event of saxophonist Vázsonyi János.

Pege Aladár Jazz Contrabass Competition
Contest for bass players under age of 30.

MÁV Szimfonikus Zenekar: Zene-Tér-Kép Plusz koncertek
Children's program in Hungarian language.

Harmónia Jazzműhely: Juhász Gábor Trio feat. Bakos Bettika
One of the most versatile artists of the guitarist Gábor Juhász, who is capable of deep restraint and fiery virtuosity, is a real "renaissance man" who draws from the widest possible range of musical heritage and is constantly experimenting.

Halper Hendrix Experiment feat. Ric Toldon (USA)
The band plays the songs of Jimi Hendrix spiced with unique jazz mentality. The special guest of the night is Ric Toldon (USA).

FREE Jam Session Nights:

Balázs Elemér Group
The Elemer Balázs Group, one of Hungary’s most popular jazz band was founded in 2000 by Elemér Balázs, the internationally widely recognized and popular jazz drummer.

Grund Színház: Cagematch
In this Hungarian improvisational theatre play, two teams face eachother to form a complete story with just a few words. You can enjoy it without understanding the language.