
Bartha & Arnedo Quartet live at BJC lemezbemutató koncert
The band plays both the standards of ,,The Great American Songbook“, as well as the compositions of Bartha Mátyás.

Ég Alatti 5
The ars poetica of this band is to show natural impressions in the form of organic music.

Tücsök-Zene: Gryllus Vilmos - Autumn concert
Children's program in Hungarian language.

Formatex Presents: Loop Doctors
The music is a medley of different styles, including jazz, drum ‘n’ bass, jungle, hip-hop and rap. An overall category could be nu-jazz, but Loop Doctors can also be seen in clubs, where people actually dance to the music.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

ALERANT Jazz Night: Veronika Harcsa & Bálint Gyémánt Duo: For the first time in a year!
The internationally known and popular Veronika Harcsa and the highly recognized Bálint Gyémánt singerguitarist duo are a special bright spot of the domestic, and proud to say, even the European music scene.

Sequence Quintet – The First Journey album release
The Sequence Quintet will have the group's first appearance at the Budapest Jazz Club. The group, which is always aspired to find their own, unique sound, will perform the compositions of the guitarist, Kovács Tamás.

Mike Gotthard Group feat. Szebényi Dani
Szebényi Dani is a pianist, songwriter and singer, who has won the Artisjus- and the Petőfi Prizes. He is also a member of The Electric Shock band, where he plays together with Mike Gotthard, Borlai Gergő and Anton Davidyants.

Gyárfás & Premecz Organ Trio - Wes Montgomery Memorial evening
István Gyárfás is an absolute master of the modern swing guitar. Gifted with an amazing melodic sense he plays a highly accessible, enjoyable jazz at an extremely high artistic level.