
Dely Robi 50.
The base of their music are the compositions of Dely Róbert. From there, the musicians spread their musiciality in their own, unique styles.

Mizrab feat. Bányai Kriszta
Mizrab plays crossover jazz spiced with Hungarian themes. The extraordinary formation consists of guitar, bass, drums and percussion.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

Contum Presents: Nagy Emma Quintet
The quintet, which also feeds on Bill Evans‚ classical school but also represents the diversity of contemporary jazz, places no bounds on the focus with its unique vocals by Emma.

Voice & Guitar: Micheller Myrtill & Pintér Tibor Duo
The amusing way they perform evergreens and standards attracts a huge audience every month, and has a large number of frequenters.

Világzenei és Improvizációs tábor Gálakoncertje
This is the gala performance of the team of Hungarian World and Improvisational Music Camp.

Budapest Bossanova
Authentic bossa nova vibes from Brasil, intimate, light tunes with traditional bossa rhythm.

Location: 1052, Budapest, Városház utca 9-11.
In July, in close cooperation with the Municipality of Budapest, the duo formations most popular with the audience of the Budapest Jazz Club will move to the open air and give a concert at the City Hall, four times in total.
Events can be attended without vaccine card!
More information:, +36 1 798 7289

Ecool Jazz Night: Kiss Attila Band

FREE Jam Session Nights: