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Budapest Jazz Orchestra feat. Náray Erika
31.01.2021. 20:00 (Sunday)

User Rendszerház Kft. Presents: Budapest Jazz Orchestra feat. Náray Erika


Please, support art and artists, jazz music and quality culture with a sum of your choice: Unicredit Bank Zrt. 10918001-00000064-03840009

Due to the coronavirus-related regulations, we are closed for an undefinite period from 11 November. You can view our LIVE STREAM concerts on Facebook and our Youtube channel. 


Starting from the traditional big band genre, the Budapest Jazz Orchestra accompanied the development of jazz from the 1920s to contemporary jazz in its productions.

Young Jazz Musician of the Year - VI.
30.01.2021. 20:00 (Saturday)

Young Jazz Musician of the Year - VI.


Please, support art and artists, jazz music and quality culture with a sum of your choice: Unicredit Bank Zrt. 10918001-00000064-03840009


The Hungarian Jazz Federation’s competition’s aim is to find the young talent of the year.

Hungarian Jazz FederationNKA
Szalay Gábor Trio feat. Horváth Albert
29.01.2021. 17:00 (Friday)

Harmónia Jazzműhely: Szalay Gábor Trio feat. Horváth Albert


Please, support art and artists, jazz music and quality culture with a sum of your choice: Unicredit Bank Zrt. 10918001-00000064-03840009

Due to the coronavirus-related regulations, we are closed for an undefinite period from 11 November. You can view our LIVE STREAM concerts on Facebook and our Youtube channel. 



This brilliant outfit plays quite a few adaptation of the great late Thelonious Monk but whatever they play it’s exciting and vibrant modern jazz.

Harmony Jazz Workshop
Balázs Elemér Group
28.01.2021. 20:00 (Thursday)

Formatex Presents: Balázs Elemér Group

Price: 2500 HUF

The Elemer Balázs Group, one of Hungary’s most popular jazz band was founded in 2000 by Elemér Balázs, the internationally widely recognized and popular jazz drummer.

Concert of the winners of Lakatos Ablakos Dezső Scholarship
26.01.2021. 20:00 (Tuesday)

Concert of the winners of Lakatos Ablakos Dezső Scholarship


Please, support art and artists, jazz music and quality culture with a sum of your choice: Unicredit Bank Zrt. 10918001-00000064-03840009

Due to the coronavirus-related regulations, we are closed for an undefinite period from 11 November. You can view our LIVE STREAM concerts on Facebook and our Youtube channel. 



The scholarship is named after the Hungairan Lakatos Ablakos Dezső, who was an outstanding personality in the history of jazz.

25.01.2021. 17:00 (Monday)

Harmónia Jazzműhely: Jazz-csillagvizsgáló


Please, support art and artists, jazz music and quality culture with a sum of your choice: Unicredit Bank Zrt. 10918001-00000064-03840009

Due to the coronavirus-related regulations, we are closed for an undefinite period from 11 November. You can view our LIVE STREAM concerts on Facebook and our Youtube channel.


This time Harmónia Jazzworkshop presents three outstandingly brilliant young guitar/bass-guitar players.

Harmony Jazz Workshop
Tompos Kátya and Swing à la Django - French-Russian night
24.01.2021. 20:00 (Sunday)

ALERANT Jazz Night: Tompos Kátya and Swing à la Django - French-Russian night

Price: 3500 HUF

Swing à la Django is an innovative six-membered band, which has showed its talents many times in Hungary and abroad as well. 

Alerant IT Zrt.
Studio11 feat. Bolba Éva & Koós Réka & Szulák Andrea & Vastag Tamás
23.01.2021. 20:00 (Saturday)

Studio11 feat. Bolba Éva & Koós Réka & Szulák Andrea & Vastag Tamás

Price: 2500 HUF

Every two months, the legendary big band performs with a brilliant soloist of the Hungarian jazz scene.

NKAMinistry of Human Resources
Pintér Zoltán Triot feat. Raboczki Balázs
22.01.2021. 17:00 (Friday)

Harmónia Jazzműhely: Pintér Zoltán Triot feat. Raboczki Balázs


Please, support art and artists, jazz music and quality culture with a sum of your choice: Unicredit Bank Zrt. 10918001-00000064-03840009

Due to the coronavirus-related regulations, we are closed for an undefinite period from 11 November. You can view our LIVE STREAM concerts on Facebook and our Youtube channel. 



The outstanding pianist, Zoltán Pintér began studying the piano at the age of three. He won his first piano competition when he was 5 years old. 

Harmony Jazz Workshop
Makovics Dénes Sextet
21.01.2021. 20:00 (Thursday)

Makovics Dénes Sextet


Please, support art and artists, jazz music and quality culture with a sum of your choice: Unicredit Bank Zrt. 10918001-00000064-03840009

Due to the coronavirus-related regulations, we are closed for an undefinite period from 11 November. You can view our LIVE STREAM concerts on Facebook and our Youtube channel. 



This band is a new experiment, based on jazz traditions, but playing with pop and classical elements.

Veronika Harcsa & Bálint Gyémánt Duo: For the first time in a year!
20.01.2021. 20:00 (Wednesday)

Veronika Harcsa & Bálint Gyémánt Duo: For the first time in a year!

Price: 2900 HUF

The internationally known and popular Veronika Harcsa and the highly recognized Bálint Gyémánt singerguitarist duo are a special bright spot of the domestic, and proud to say, even the European music scene. 

Sárik Péter Trio feat. Berki Tamás
19.01.2021. 20:00 (Tuesday)

Sárik Péter Trio feat. Berki Tamás

Price: 2500 HUF

Sárik Péter is one of the most recognized Hungarian jazz musicians. The musicians all all round players, so their show has a large variety of styles appearing.

Jazz-Generációk: Lattman Béla, Gudics Martin, Horváth Plútó József
16.01.2021. 20:00 (Saturday)

Jazz-Generációk: Lattman Béla, Gudics Martin, Horváth Plútó József


Please, support art and artists, jazz music and quality culture with a sum of your choice: Unicredit Bank Zrt. 10918001-00000064-03840009

Due to the coronavirus-related regulations, we are closed for an undefinite period from 11 November. You can view our LIVE STREAM concerts on Facebook and our Youtube channel. 


Jazz Generations pays tribute to great musicians who have passed away with three performers of the same instrument, but from different generations.


NKAHungarian Jazz Federation
MÁV Symphony Orchestra: Children Concerts
16.01.2021. 11:00 (Saturday)

MÁV Szimfonikus Zenekar: MÁV Symphony Orchestra: Children Concerts


Please, support art and artists, jazz music and quality culture with a sum of your choice: Unicredit Bank Zrt. 10918001-00000064-03840009

Due to the coronavirus-related regulations, we are closed for an undefinite period from 11 November. You can view our LIVE STREAM concerts on Facebook and our Youtube channel. 



Children's program in Hungarian language.

Ávéd János Quintet feat. Kosztolánszki Dominik
15.01.2021. 17:00 (Friday)

Harmónia Jazzműhely: Ávéd János Quintet feat. Kosztolánszki Dominik


Please, support art and artists, jazz music and quality culture with a sum of your choice: Unicredit Bank Zrt. 10918001-00000064-03840009

Due to the coronavirus-related regulations, we are closed for an undefinite period from 11 November. You can view our LIVE STREAM concerts on Facebook and our Youtube channel. 


János Ávéd, a master of the tenor saxophone. He is one of the most imaginative players, a born innovator, a tremendously versatile musician who can turn any material into riveting music.

Harmony Jazz Workshop


Address: 1136 Budapest,
Hollán Ernő Str. 7.


+36 1 798 7289
(Monday: 16.00-22.00)
(Tuesday - Friday
: 11.30-22.00)
(Saturday: 15.00-22.00)





Monday: 16:00-00:00
Tuesday: 11:30-01:00
Wednesday: 11:30-01:00
Thursday: 11:30-01:00
Friday: 11:30-02:00
Sunday: 10:00-0:00

Monday: 18:00-23:00
Tuesday: 18:00-23:00
Wednesday: 18:00-23:00
Thursday: 18:00-23:00
Friday: 18:00-23:00
Saturday: 18:00-23:00
Sunday: closed
Table reservation:
+36 1 798 7289


PROGRAM DAYS: 18.00-22.00

Online Ticket Selling: