
FREE Jam Session Nights:

Pintér Zoltán Trio
Every jazz pianist's dream is to play in a band where he can achieve his own ideas.

Djabe - We are back!
The last few months came as an unpleasant experience for all musicians as we were completely separated from our audience and also each other. But all bad things end, and the stage is once again open for us.

Budapest Jazz Club opens again from May 3rd! To the delight of this event, BJC Bar Jazz concerts are starting again too.

Blumen Therapie
The group of fellow music students formed one and a half year ago. They follow the style of modal jazz, but are not afraid to use other inspirations

Vörös Attila Jazzcraft
The band plays standards and their own songs in their unique way.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

FREE Jam Session Nights:

Budapest Bossanova
Authentic bossa nova vibes from Brasil, intimate, light tunes with traditional bossa rhythm.

Budapest Jazz Club opens again from May 3rd! To the delight of this event, BJC Bar Jazz concerts are starting again too.