
The INFORADIO presents: Blue Flamingos Quartet
The Blue Flamingos Quartet consists of young musicians. Their repertoire contains original music, but also their most beloved standards, balancing in the triangle of modern, modal jazz and bebop.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

The presents: Nexus LineUp
The musicians create a connection between modern, contemporary, traditional hardbop, and swing.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

Studio 11 Evenings: Studio 11 feat. Vastag Tamás
Every second month, the legendary big band performs with a brilliant soloist of the Hungarian jazz scene.

Gyémánt Bálint Trio

Budapest Jazz Club opens again from May 3rd! To the delight of this event, BJC Bar Jazz concerts are starting again too.

Mizrab feat. Bányai Kriszta
Mizrab plays crossover jazz spiced with Hungarian themes. The extraordinary formation consists of guitar, bass, drums and percussion.

Születésnapi Mosó Masa mosodája koncert
Children's program in Hungarian language.

Kanizsa Gina & Lamm Dávid Duo feat. Szczuka Panna
The duo is an interesting and fun match. Kanizsa Gina is a celebrated vocalist who is mostly involved in a capella, and Lamm Dávid is a virtuoso guitarist who feels comfortable in any style of jazz.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

ALERANT Jazz Night: Elsa Valle Bakary
The Cuban singer Elsa Valle, who lives in Hungary and is known for her vibrant energy, always performs with a fitting accompaniment.