
ALERANT Jazz Night: Harcsa Veronika & Gyémánt Bálint QUARTET
The internationally known and popular Veronika Harcsa and the highly recognized Bálint Gyémánt singer-guitarist duo are a special bright spot of the domestic, and proud to say, even the European music scene.

ALERANT Jazz Night: Harcsa Veronika & Gyémánt Bálint QUARTET
The internationally known and popular Veronika Harcsa and the highly recognized Bálint Gyémánt singer-guitarist duo are a special bright spot of the domestic, and proud to say, even the European music scene.

Harmónia Jazzműhely: Vörös Niki New Project
With two fantastic albums and two brilliantly successful gigs at London’s legendary 606 Club behind her, Vörös Niki, one of Hungary’s very best, is a true jazz singer, the real thing, who is capable of turning any tune into high quality jazz.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

Glonet presents: Margittai és Társai Jazz Est: Oláh Krisztián Quartet feat. Lukács Miklós - Crescendo "LP release"

Live stream! – Egri duo
We take jazz to your house!

FREE Jam Session Nights:

AVM Presents: Juhász Gábor Trio - feat. Aurél Holló - Barney Kessel centerary
Juhász Gábor is an astonishingly versatile musician, he can be heard as a sideman on some of the most interesting recordings made in Hungary.

FIDELIO Jazz Night: Szakcsi Jr. Trio
This dream-team unites members of three distinguished Hungarian Gypsy musical dynasties.

Live stream! – Csordás Gábor solo concert
We take jazz to your house!

FREE Jam Session Nights:

Budateher Jazz Night: Kanizsa Gina & Lamm Dávid Duo feat. Szczuka Panna
The duo is an interesting and fun match. Kanizsa Gina is a celebrated vocalist who is mostly involved in a capella, and Lamm Dávid is a virtuoso guitarist who feels comfortable in any style of jazz.

Kővirágok Énekiskola Gálakoncert
The Kővirágok School of Singing presents it’s “Pop and light music” class to the audience by the end of the school year, for an hour long show.