
ALERANT Jazz Night: Juhász Márton Quartet
Award winning jazz drummer active across Europe, who has played with the likes of Lionel Loueke, Byron Wallen, Gilad Hekselman, Wolfgang Muthspiel & many others leads a quartet playing (mostly) original compositions in the contemporary fusion vein.

Harmónia Jazzműhely: Guitarmagic - László Attila & Juhász Gábor & Gyárfás István
This evening will be all about the guitar - three of the best Hungarian guitarists will be on stage.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

Solati band combines the characteristics of jazz with Hip-Hop, Neo Soul, and R'n'B. The music is written by pianist Tzumo Árpád, and the author of the lyrics is Kriszta Pocsai, who makes the music whole with her brilliant voice.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

Voice & Guitar: Micheller Myrtill & Pintér Tibor Duo
The amusing way they perform evergreens and standards attracts a huge audience every month, and has a large number of frequenters.

Swing á La Django feat. Roby Lakatos
The band created a special style-mix in their music with the harmony of authentic Hungarian music, French chansons, world manouche swing, tango and jazz.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

Matt Garstka Workshop
The workshop tour of Animals as Leaders drummer Matt Garstka will be on 16 September at the Budapest Jazz Club.

Exciting. Energetic. Unique. This is how we can describe the newest band of Soma Mamagésa, debuted on Everness Festival in 2015.

Formatex Presents: Borbély Műhely feat. Juhász Gábor
During his career multireedist Mihály Borbély became a real versatile musician working in different musical styles from folk and world music to jazz and contemporary music.