
Four Dogs
4Dogs, led by András Wahorn, attempts to transform momentary impressions of several musicians to musical language, to communicate with sounds and tones.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

Programs for Children : Mosó Masa Mosodája
Children's program in Hungarian language.

Solati band combines the characteristics of jazz with Hip-Hop, Neo Soul, and R'n'B. The music is written by pianist Tzumo Árpád, and the author of the lyrics is Kriszta Pocsai, who makes the music whole with her brilliant voice.

Harmónia Jazzműhely: NIKKI ILES (UK)

Gyémánt Bálint Trio

Glass of Jazz vol.6. - A night for lovers of jazz and wine
The event, where wine lovers can meet jazz fans to see why these two things make an exceptional match.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

Budateher Jazz Night: Gáspár Károly Trio feat. Gereben Zita
The music of this trio respecting the mainstream roots of jazz. To make their performance even deeper, a well-known Hungarian songstress will accompany them this evening.

Formatex Presents: Kiss Attila Band

FREE Jam Session Nights:

ALERANT Jazz Night: Finucci Bros feat. Kökény Attila - Best of George Benson
Finucci Bros has started a series in which they introduce the best works of the most brilliant artists - this night, George Benson will be in the spotlight.