
Elek István Quartet feat. Pocsai Kriszta & Gyárfás István
The Quartet is part of the so-called “mainstream” with a program tribute to the great predecessors and successors of Jazz, whit the “spirit of our times”.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

Szakcsi Jazz Egyesület GálaestLakatos Béla Trio
With the establishment of the Szakcsi Jazz Association, contemporaries and friends remember the greatest Hungarian jazz pianist of his time, Béla Szakcsi Lakatos.

Grund Színház: Cagematch
In this Hungarian improvisational theatre play, two teams face eachother to form a complete story with just a few words. You can enjoy it without understanding the language.

Four Dogs
4Dogs, led by András Wahorn, attempts to transform momentary impressions of several musicians to musical language, to communicate with sounds and tones.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

Bille Gergő Quintet
The band started working together in 2013, and three years later, the were the opening band of Richard Bona.

Pankastic! Album Release Concert
The band plays traditional manouche-swing with a special hungarian instrument called cimbalom.

Programs for Children : HandaBanda
Children's program in Hungarian language.

Harmónia Jazzműhely: Pintér Zoltán Trio
Every jazz pianist's dream is to play in a band where he can achieve his own ideas.

Harmónia Jazzműhely: Liane Carroll (UK)
Jazz critic Dave Gelly of The Observer has described her as “one of the most stylistically flexible pianists around, with a marvellous, slightly husky singing voice”.

The presents: Szakcsi Jr. Trio
This dream-team unites members of three distinguished Hungarian Gypsy musical dynasties.

FREE Jam Session Nights: