
The INFORADIO presents: Budapest Bossanova
Authentic bossa nova vibes from Brasil, intimate, light tunes with traditional bossa rhythm.

What's Next?
This is the first time this group appears on stage, so the members are looking forward to this event as much as the viewers.

FIDELIO Jazz Night: Hajdu Klára - Oláh Krisztián Duo
Hajdu Klára is quite well-known in Hungary, since she was the vocalist of the popular band, Balázs Elemér Group.

László Attila & Gyémánt Bálint
László Attila and Bálint Gyémánt are preparing for a spectacular guitar duel at the Budapest Jazz Club.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

Voice & Guitar: Micheller Myrtill & Pintér Tibor Duo
The amusing way they perform evergreens and standards attracts a huge audience every month, and has a large number of frequenters.

Windsingers is an exceptional a capella group, who always prepare with something thematic – now they are warming up for the holidays

Belly dancing Gala
This night, the many styles of belly dancing will be revealed to the viewers, from classical to fusion.

ALERANT Jazz Night: Juhász Márton 6tet (ARG / ESP / FRA / POL / USA / HUN)
The six award winning musicians have spent the last year working together intensively under the tutelage of guitarist Wolfgang Muthspiel.