
The INFORADIO presents: Jazzrael
Reinterpretation of sephardic, Middle-Eastern songs with the touch of jazz - that’s the best way to sum up their music.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

Finucci Bros Quartet feat. Radics Gigi - Beyonce Night
Finucci Bros' new project is to cover the works of pop legends. On the first night of the series, they will perform songs of Beyonce with her Hungarian diva equivalent, Radics Gigi.

ALERANT Jazz Night: Studio11 Evenings: Studio11 Ensemble feat. Varga Ferenc & Balássy Betty
Every two months, the legendary big band performs with a brilliant soloist of the Hungarian jazz scene.

Harmónia Jazzműhely: Anita Wardell (UK) and Neumann Balázs Trio
The show will start at 20:30pm!
Anita Wardell won the BBC’s Best of Jazz Award in 2006 and the BBC Jazz Award last year. She is now beginning to get recognition is the US as well.

Equinox’s musical style is closest to modern mainstream, its repertoire made up by melodic, yet complex compositions of the founding pianist, Márkus Tibor.