
FREE Jam Session Nights:

Grund Színház: Cagematch
In this Hungarian improvisational theatre play, two teams face eachother to form a complete story with just a few words. You can enjoy it without understanding the language.

Four Dogs
4Dogs, led by András Wahorn, attempts to transform momentary impressions of several musicians to musical language, to communicate with sounds and tones.

PORT.HU Jazz Evening: Szakcsi Lakatos Béla with Pluto & Emilio
In the Hungarian jazz history Szakcsi has had a major share in popularizing fusion and gypsy jazz.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

Hungarian jazz federation manager workshop
Presentations of music management in Hungarian language with a concert at 8pm.

Kővirágok Énekiskola Gálakoncert
The Kővirágok School of Singing presents it’s “Pop and light music” class to the audience by the end of the school year, for an hour long show.

Sróf Presents: Balázs Elemér Group
The Elemer Balázs Group, one of Hungary’s most popular jazz band was founded in 2000 by Elemér Balázs, the internationally widely recognized and popular jazz drummer.

Harmónia Jazzműhely: Vörös Janka E-Series
The band led by a tiny girl with an enormous voice appeared out of nowhere at this year’s Jazz Showcase at the Budapest Palace of Arts.

ALERANT Jazz Night: Bangó Margit and the Swing à la Django
For the first time, Margit Bangó, a world-famous gypsy and Hungarian singer, will give a concert with the band Swing á la Django at the Budapest Jazz Club.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

The presents: Random Wednesday (Barabás Lőrinc, Weil András, Bede Péter, Mihalik Ábel)
These Wednesdays are random because the leader of the project, Lőrinc Barabás, invites well-known characters of the contemporary jazz scene to create something amazing in the form of a jam session.

LFZE BA and MA Diploma Concert
As last year, the audience can once again hear the BA and MA diploma concerts of the Jazz Department of the Liszt Ferenc University of Music on the BJC stage.