
ALERANT Jazz Night: Gereben Zita Quintet
Gereben Zita’s velvety voice and personal onstage presence ensure an unforgettable evening.

Grund Színház: Cagematch
In this Hungarian improvisational theatre play, two teams face eachother to form a complete story with just a few words. You can enjoy it without understanding the language.

Jazz+Prose: Bird - Charlie Parker's Life
Quotations from Julio Cortázar’s and Esterházy Péter’s writing, with Charlie Parker’s music by the Hungarian actor Tamás Varga, generation of Hungarian jazz musicians.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

PORT.HU Jazz Evening: Trio Minor & Laurent Maur
It is the fourth time that Trio Minor, led by Attila Rieger, is touring together with the French master of the harmonica, Laurent Maur.

Anything can happen on the weekend jam nights when the most popular Hungarian musicians create random formations and play true bebop to entertain the audience.

FIDELIO Jazz Night: JazzFest Budapest: Gyémánt Bálint Trio
The music of Gyémánt Bálint is loved by all audiences, from contemporary improvisation enthusiasts to pop fans.

Collective Alternative Music Workshop
The Collective Alternative Music Workshop is closing its 16th academic year this year at the Budapest Jazz Club.

Anything can happen on the weekend jam nights when the most popular Hungarian musicians create random formations and play true bebop to entertain the audience.

Harmónia Jazzműhely: Balázs József Trio feat. Bolla Gábor
Balázs József is the leader and arranger of the East Gipsy Band which was immensely successful both at New York’s famous Blue Note and at the Detroit Jazz Festival, and he also happens to be one of the best jazz pianists in Hungary.

Szaxofonparádé: Sárik Péter Trio feat. Ávéd János & Bacsó Kristóf
Péter Sárik jazz pianist invites the lovers of genre for special musical adventures. On this occasion two famous Hungarian saxophonists will join the band.

Hajdu Klára Quartet feat. Fekete-Kovács Kornél
Klára Hajdu Quartet’s repertoire includes Hungarian evergreens, own competitions, folk & pop songs in jazz adaptions. This event will be the second birthday party of the formation.