
Singer Street
Singer Street is an a cappella group from Hungary, consisting of four brilliant singers.

The Budapest Jazz Orchestra presents: ˝Aki autón járni óhajt˝ - album release concert
The Budapest Jazz Orchestra, comprising solely jazz musicians, was created in October 1998.

Szeleburdi Vasárnapok - Iszkiri zenekar
Tekergő mamutok, ijedős szuperhősök, száguldó manók… az ISZKIRI gyermekzenekar dalaiban bármi megtörténhet.

FREE Jam Session Nights: BJC JAM SESSION
Free Jam Session Nights with dominents Hungarian jazz musicians on every weekeden at Budapest Jazz Club.

World Stars at Budapest Jazz Club: Budapest Spring Festival: Kevin Mahogany (USA) 9:30PM
Kevin Mahogany Presents His New Album
The American Kevin Mahogany is one of today’s most widely recognized performing artists. Virtuosic scat singing has become a trademark of his style, though “there is little Mahogany cannot do," according to the critic of New Yorker Magazine.

World Stars at Budapest Jazz Club: Budapest Spring Festival: Kevin Mahogany (USA) 7PM
Programme of the Budapest Spring Festival
Kevin Mahogany Presents His New Album
The American Kevin Mahogany is one of today’s most widely recognized performing artists. Virtuosic scat singing has become a trademark of his style, though “there is little Mahogany cannot do," according to the critic of New Yorker Magazine.

FREE Jam Session Nights: BJC JAM SESSION
Free Jam Session Nights with dominents Hungarian jazz musicians on every weekeden at Budapest Jazz Club.

Harmónia Jazzműhely: Pocsai Kriszta - Nagy János Quartet
Widening her musical range to include pop, funk and Latin as well as jazz, she has produced three albums to which she contributed a number of songs as composer as well as lyricist in which latter roles she also excels.

Formed through the collaboration of three influential personalities in the domestic pop music scene, Trio Special promises a unique concert experience, true to its name.

FREE Jam Session Nights: BJC GROOVE JAM
Free concert and jam session with catchy grooves by great Hungarian musicians on Wednesdays at Budapest Jazz Club.

The presents: Jewish Jazz Festival: Nigun
The formation originates its music from the Eastern European Jewish traditions. Although Nigun’s music can be best labelled as „Klez-jazz”.

Aranypánt Award
A Nemzetközi Roma Napon idén először adjuk át az Aranypánt-díjat, annak, akit a nagyközönség a leginkább érdemesnek tart rá.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

d1 tv jazz night: Hajdu Klára Quartet - Journey Lemezbemutató Koncert
Birthday concert
Hajdu Klára, an outstanding Hungarian jazz vocalist, has been chosen songstress of the year by the readers of Hungarian jazz blog