
Tóth Viktor Tercet
Alto-sax player Viktor Toth, one of the great sensations of the 2007 Budapest Jazz Festival, is the most open minded of the young jazzmen in Hungary.

Romanian Jazzdays
The Romanian Cultural Institute in Budapest organizes two concerts in memory of two of the most important Romanian jazz musicians, Johnny Răducanu (1931 – 2011) and Jancsi Kőrössy (1926-2013) at the Budapest Jazz Club.

Romanian Jazzdays
The Romanian Cultural Institute in Budapest organizes two concerts in memory of two of the most important Romanian jazz musicians, Johnny Răducanu (1931 – 2011) and Jancsi Kőrössy (1926-2013) at the Budapest Jazz Club.

FREE Jam Session Nights:
host band: tálas áron trio

Day of Hungarian Songs
Strength, beauty, energy, charm, crystal clear voice, sweet and sentimental songs.

FREE Jam Session Nights: BJC JAM SESSION
host band: balázs józsef trio
Free Jam Session Nights with dominents Hungarian jazz musicians on every weekeden at Budapest Jazz Club.

FIDELIO Jazz Night: Trio Midnight
The group started working professionally in 1990, and has been recognised from the beginning by audience and critics alike as one of the best young European mainstream jazz trio.

FREE Jam Session Nights: BJC JAM SESSION
host band: gáspár károly trio
Free Jam Session Nights with dominents Hungarian jazz musicians on every weekeden at Budapest Jazz Club.

Harmónia Jazzműhely: Delalamm
Simply put, Delalamm is Dávid Lamm’s groove outfi t. The band puts the harmonic devices and improvisational approach of jazz to the service of such genres as hip-hop, r’n’b, reggae and world music.

ALERANT Jazz Night: Loop Doctors
The music is a medley of different styles, including jazz, drum ‘n’ bass, jungle, hip-hop and rap. An overall category could be nu-jazz, but Loop Doctors can also be seen in clubs, where people actually dance to the music.

The INFORADIO presents: Jazz AllStars Project - Host: Sárik Péter
Péter Sárik jazz pianist invites the lovers of genre for special musical adventures.

Egri János Jr. Quartet
Egri János Jr. - son of the wll-known Hungarian bassist Egri János - is one of the most talented jazz singer of the youth generation.

FREE Jam Session Nights:
host band: balogh gyuszi trio

Vadon Nő - Malek Andrea és kortársai

FREE Jam Session Nights: BJC JAM SESSION
host band: pataj györgy trio
Free Jam Session Nights with dominents Hungarian jazz musicians on every weekeden at Budapest Jazz Club.