
The presents: Zoltán Lantos and Dóra Bittner Meenakshi
Zoltán Lantos is a violinist who is at home in musical cultures from across the globe – but has forged a sonic language all his own. On this night there will be a violinist-dancer performance on the stage.

FREE Jam Session Nights:
host band: tálas áron trio

Szeleburdi Vasárnapok: Nyughatatlan Micó
Music performance for kids in Hungarian.

FREE Jam Session Nights: BJC JAM SESSION
host band: gáspár károly trio
Free Jam Session Nights with dominents Hungarian jazz musicians on every weekeden at Budapest Jazz Club.

ALERANT Jazz Night: Budapest Jazz Orchestra feat. Juhász Gábor
BJO believes in the importance of making the music available to the jazz-loving audience, to show them how it has changed and evolved in the past decades, and to introduce them to the various performers who are considered as milestones in this style of music.

FREE Jam Session Nights: BJC JAM SESSION
host band: balázs józsef trio
Free Jam Session Nights with dominents Hungarian jazz musicians on every weekeden at Budapest Jazz Club.

Harmónia Jazzműhely: Juhász Gábor Trio - feat. Aurél Holló - Barney Kessel centerary
Juhász Gábor is an astonishingly versatile musician, he can be heard as a sideman on some of the most interesting recordings made in Hungary.

PORT.HU Jazz Evening: Bende Zsolt Quintessence
Zsolt Bende is one of the founding members of Neil Yates’ Five Countries Trio.

A hangok urai

d1 tv jazz night: Singer Street
Singer Street is an a cappella group from Hungary, consisting of four brilliant singers.

FREE Jam Session Nights:
host band: varga tivadar trio

FREE Jam Session Nights: BJC JAM SESSION
host band: egri jános trio
Free Jam Session Nights with dominents Hungarian jazz musicians on every weekeden at Budapest Jazz Club.

Szakcsi Jr. Trio feat. Egri János Jr.
From the age of six to twelve Szakcsi had a classical education then his interest turned to jazz music. So Szakcsi Lakatos Béla Jr. has became one of the most prominent pianists of the domestic jazz scene.

FREE Jam Session Nights: BJC JAM SESSION
host band: rafael mario trio
Free Jam Session Nights with dominents Hungarian jazz musicians on every weekeden at Budapest Jazz Club.

Harmónia Jazzműhely: Tim Lapthorn Trio
The phenomenal British pianist Tim Lampthorn leads one of the best piano trios in the UK and also plays piano in groups led by, amongst others, singer Ian Shaw, bassist Arnie Somogyi and more.