
FREE Jam Session Nights: BJC CAFE JAM
After the successful weekend jam sessions, Budapest Jazz Club now welcomes everyone to the new Thursday jams!

ALERANT Jazz Night: Urbán Orsi Group
Urbán Orsi is one of the outstanding jazz singers in Hungary. With her natural radiance and immediately identifiable, deep, powerful voice she creates a fantastic atmosphere.

FREE Jam Session Nights: Wednesday Open Jam
Each Wednesday, a different trio of talented young musicians is in charge of good vibes, and they welcome the audience to take part in their game.

Pluto Fusion Band
On this evening, the master of bass guitar in Hungary will dazzle the audience with even more virtuosity than usual, accompanied by his equally phenomenal bandmates.

FREE Jam Session Nights: LFZE Open Jam
Spontaneous & joyful open jam nights of The Liszt Academy of Music’s amazingly talented young musicians every Tuesday.

The INFORADIO presents: Gypsy Jazz Band
The Gypsy Jazz Band, led by guitarist Róbert Kárpáti and under the musical mentorship of world-famous violin virtuoso Roby Lakatos, exploded into the public consciousness in 2018 as one of the highlights of Hungarian musical culture.

Euro Protect Jazz Night:: Budapest Bossanova
Authentic bossa nova vibes from Brasil, intimate, light tunes with traditional bossa rhythm.

"Mogács labor"
Hungarian-language stand-up comedy performance

Anything can happen on the weekend jam nights when the most popular Hungarian musicians create random formations and play true bebop to entertain the audience.

Djabe - almost 30!
The Djabe band started recording their first album in the summer of 1995. In 2025, the band will celebrate the 3rd X with several concerts. The first stop will be Djabe's favorite club venue, the BJC.

Játéksziget presents: Süsü, the dragon
Children's program in Hungarian.

MÁV Symphony Orchestra: Children Concerts
Children's program in Hungarian language.

Anything can happen on the weekend jam nights when the most popular Hungarian musicians create random formations and play true bebop to entertain the audience.

Harmónia Jazzműhely: Jámbor Ármin Quartet
The Jámbor Ármin Quartet is an internationally recognized jazz ensemble. The members of the band have numerous awards and prestigious collaborations to their name.

FREE Jam Session Nights: BJC CAFE JAM
After the successful weekend jam sessions, Budapest Jazz Club now welcomes everyone to the new Thursday jams!