
Játéksziget presents: Kelemen Angelika Jazz Quartet
In accordance with the voice of singer Angelika Kelemen, we can hear swing and blues style as well as soul elements in the arrangements and in her own songs.

FREE Jam Session Nights: BJC CAFE JAM
After the successful weekend jam sessions, Budapest Jazz Club now welcomes everyone to the new Thursday jams!

The band Groovus, which combines the stylistic elements of instrumental jazz-funk, jazz-rock and fusion, has its own compositions interspersed with melodic themes and dynamic rhythms, as well as energetic and varied instrumental solos.

FREE Jam Session Nights: Wednesday Open Jam
Each Wednesday, a different trio of talented young musicians is in charge of good vibes, and they welcome the audience to take part in their game.

FIDELIO Jazz Night: Mester Dániel Trio

FREE Jam Session Nights: LFZE Open Jam
Spontaneous & joyful open jam nights of The Liszt Academy of Music’s amazingly talented young musicians every Tuesday.

Euro Protect Jazz Night:: Tomor Barnabás Project
In this new lineup, keyboard instruments play a major role, along with guitar playing infused with a jazz-rock feel. This is complemented by the sounds of the saxophone and violin.

Váci Pikéthy Jazz Konzi évzáró vizsgakoncertje
Students and teachers of the jazz department will perform.

Anything can happen on the weekend jam nights when the most popular Hungarian musicians create random formations and play true bebop to entertain the audience.

ALERANT Jazz Night: Fehér Fábio Quartet
Fábió Fehér studied at the Egressy Béni Art School, then gained admission to the Snétberger Center. He became the winner of the 2024 Babos Guitar Competition.

Collective Alternative Music Workshop
The Collective Alternative Music Workshop is closing its 16th academic year this year at the Budapest Jazz Club.

Anything can happen on the weekend jam nights when the most popular Hungarian musicians create random formations and play true bebop to entertain the audience.

Harmónia Jazzműhely: Luiza Zan & Gyárfás István Trio
Romanian songstress Luiza Zan is one of the most interesting and original jazz singers not just in this Central- East European region but in the whole of Europe.

FREE Jam Session Nights: BJC CAFE JAM
After the successful weekend jam sessions, Budapest Jazz Club now welcomes everyone to the new Thursday jams!

Budateher Jazz Night: Balázs József Quintet
In addition to his success in jazz, Balázs József is considered as a recognised orchestrator and composer in other genres as well.