
Pozsár Eszter & Nagy János Yancha Duo
This powerful duo plays very different genres from bossa nova to up-tempo swings with huge amount of energy and lot of exciting improvisation.

Fogi Színház: Frakk, a macskák réme
Children's program in Hungarian language.

Bágyi Balázs 50!: BBNQ feat. Pocsai Kriszta - "Decade" lemezbemutató és jubileumi koncert
One of the most successful Hungarian formations on an international level, the Bágyi Balázs New Quartet, is celebrating it’s 10th anniversary with this concert.

Mesehajó - Tündüs Manó: Az erdő bajnoka
Children's program in Hungarian language.

Harmónia Jazzműhely: East Gipsy Band
The East Gipsy Band is made up by some of the established stars of the contemporary Hungarian jazz scene.

The Slovak Cultural Institute presents: Ester Wiesnerová (SK)
At the beginning of Ester's dynamic career, she performed successfully at the Panama Jazz Festival, the International Guatemala Jazz Festival, and in many concert halls in New Delhi and China.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

Jazz Consort
The formation was founded in 1984 by Miklós Faragó. The members of the band can handle latin, mainstream, and swing melodies as well.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

Jazz star tester - an evening for young saxophonists

Swing à la Django
Swing à la Django is an innovative six-membered band, which has showed its talents many times in Hungary and abroad as well.

Grund Színház: Maestro
Since the audience is the judge of the match from the beginning to the end, no matter what language you speak, you will definitely enjoy this impro event.