ALERANT Jazz Night: Szakcsi Jazz Egyesület GálaestLakatos Béla Trio
With the establishment of the Szakcsi Jazz Association, contemporaries and friends remember the greatest Hungarian jazz pianist of his time, Béla Szakcsi Lakatos.
“Nekem itt van dolgom, nekem itt vannak álmaim” - musical time travel in two parts
Hungarian theater performance
Balázs Elemér Group
The Elemer Balázs Group, one of Hungary’s most popular jazz band was founded in 2000 by Elemér Balázs, the internationally widely recognized and popular jazz drummer.
Mesehajó: Boribon cicája – Asztali BábJáték
Children's program in Hungarian language.
Harmónia Jazzműhely: Hajdu Klára Quartet Plays Standards
Hajdu Klára, an outstanding Hungarian jazz vocalist, has been chosen songstress of the year by the readers of Hungarian jazz blog
Contum Presents: Lakatos Ágnes Special Zone feat Amos Gillespie (USA)
The music of the new formation is characterized by exciting bass rhythms and melodic lines built on innovative, yet refined, harmonies that also incorporate classical musical influences.
Ecool Jazz Night:
Formatex Presents: Elsa Valle Bakary
Elsa was born amongst frenetic drum rhythms and godly melodies, since she carries Afro Jazz in her veins.
World Stars at Budapest Jazz Club: John Scofield Trio
In March 2024, John Scofield gave a double sold-out concert at the Budapest Jazz Club. Back then, he performed with his band Yankee Go Home, and this evening he returns with his trio that most authentically reproduces the inimitable "Sco-like" sound, accompanied by two other world-class musicians.
World Stars at Budapest Jazz Club: John Scofield Trio
In March 2024, John Scofield gave a double sold-out concert at the Budapest Jazz Club. Back then, he performed with his band Yankee Go Home, and this evening he returns with his trio that most authentically reproduces the inimitable "Sco-like" sound, accompanied by two other world-class musicians.
Ecool Jazz Night:
Budateher Jazz Night: Budapest Bossanova
Authentic bossa nova vibes from Brasil, intimate, light tunes with traditional bossa rhythm.