
Formatex Presents: Bágyi Balázs 50!: BBNQ feat. Pocsai Kriszta - "Decade" lemezbemutató és jubileumi koncert
Please, support art and artists, jazz music and quality culture with a sum of your choice: Unicredit Bank Zrt. 10918001-00000064-03840009
Due to the coronavirus-related regulations, we are closed for an undefinite period from 11 November. You can view our LIVE STREAM concerts on Facebook and our Youtube channel.
One of the most successful Hungarian formations on an international level, the Bágyi Balázs New Quartet, is celebrating it’s 10th anniversary with this concert.

Harmónia Jazzműhely: Révész Richárd Latin Trio feat. Castagno Claudia
Please, support art and artists, jazz music and quality culture with a sum of your choice: Unicredit Bank Zrt. 10918001-00000064-03840009
Due to the coronavirus-related regulations, we are closed for an undefinite period from 11 November. You can view our LIVE STREAM concerts on Facebook and our Youtube channel.
Révész Richárd is one of the most outstanding Latin-jazz pianists in this country, an authentic interpreter of Afro-Cuban music.

Contum Presents: Haraszti Ádám Projekt
Please, support art and artists, jazz music and quality culture with a sum of your choice: Unicredit Bank Zrt. 10918001-00000064-03840009
Due to the coronavirus-related regulations, we are closed for an undefinite period from 11 November. You can view our LIVE STREAM concerts on Facebook and our Youtube channel.
Haraszti Ádám Project was founded in London 2015. Their first album, 'Let it Flow' will appear in May 2019.

Budateher Jazz Night: Budapest Bossanova
Please, support art and artists, jazz music and quality culture with a sum of your choice: Unicredit Bank Zrt. 10918001-00000064-03840009
Due to the coronavirus-related regulations, we are closed for an undefinite period from 11 November. You can view our LIVE STREAM concerts on Facebook and our Youtube channel.
Authentic bossa nova vibes from Brasil, intimate, light tunes with traditional bossa rhythm.