
Harmónia Jazzműhely: Cseke Gábor Trio feat. Ludányi Tamás: Dave Brubeck est
The phenomenal pianist Gábor Cseke is going to interpret the music of the late, great Dave Brubeck. Gábor is an amazingly versatile artist, a true master of his instrument and an original composer.

Juhász Gábor Trio - feat. Aurél Holló - Barney Kessel centerary
Juhász Gábor is an astonishingly versatile musician, he can be heard as a sideman on some of the most interesting recordings made in Hungary.

UNESCO International Jazz Day: Szakcsi Jr. Trio feat. Pocsai Kriszta & Soso
Please, support art and artists, jazz music and quality culture with a sum of your choice: Unicredit Bank Zrt. 10918001-00000064-03840009
Due to the coronavirus-related regulations, we are closed for an undefinite period from 11 November. You can view our LIVE STREAM concerts on Facebook and our Youtube channel.
In November 2011, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) officially designated April 30 as International Jazz Day in order to highlight jazz and its diplomatic role of uniting people in all corners of the globe.
Hungarian-born Tomi Balogh and Flint, Michigan native Bubby Lewis are set to captivate audiences with their combined musical prowess.

International Jazz Day 2020 – Dont’ Let it Go By

International Jazz Day 2020 – Dont’ Let it Go By

Harmónia Jazzműhely: Oláh Krisztián Trio feat. Oláh Kálmán Jr. & Tüzkő Salamon
Please, support art and artists, jazz music and quality culture with a sum of your choice: Unicredit Bank Zrt. 10918001-00000064-03840009
Due to the coronavirus-related regulations, we are closed for an undefinite period from 11 November. You can view our LIVE STREAM concerts on Facebook and our Youtube channel.
Krisztián was still only 20 when he came third at the prestigious Montreux Jazz Festival. Within the next two years he won five different awards.

International Jazz Day 2020 – Dont’ Let it Go By

Finucci Bros. Quartet Feat. Varga Viktor
Please, support art and artists, jazz music and quality culture with a sum of your choice: Unicredit Bank Zrt. 10918001-00000064-03840009
Due to the coronavirus-related regulations, we are closed for an undefinite period from 11 November. You can view our LIVE STREAM concerts on Facebook and our Youtube channel.
Finucci Bros Quartet presents the outstanding instrumentalists and epoch-making composers of jazz.

Online pódiumbeszélgetés - Újra karantén: Túlélési gyakorlat 2.0
Please, support art and artists, jazz music and quality culture with a sum of your choice: Unicredit Bank Zrt. 10918001-00000064-03840009
Due to the coronavirus-related regulations, we are closed for an undefinite period from 11 November. You can view our LIVE STREAM concerts on Facebook and our Youtube channel.

Elek István Quartet feat. Gergely Edvárd

Please, support art and artists, jazz music and quality culture with a sum of your choice: Unicredit Bank Zrt. 10918001-00000064-03840009
Due to the coronavirus-related regulations, we are closed for an undefinite period from 11 November. You can view our LIVE STREAM concerts on Facebook and our Youtube channel.
For nearly four decades he was content to be a sideman but in 2015 he formed his present quartet and became immensely successful.

User Rendszerház Kft. Presents: Myrtill and the Swinguistique
This award-winning multi-lingual Hungarian born Singer, Myrtill Micheller in 1995 majored in French fulling a childhood dream, as indeed she did in 1999 when getting her second degree in Jazz from LFZE as a Jazz Vocalist.