
Horváth Balázs Trio feat. Borbély Mihály & Nagy Noémi
Due to the coronavirus-related regulations, we are closed for an undefinite period from 11 November. You can view our LIVE STREAM concerts on Facebook and our Youtube channel.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

Voice & Guitar: Micheller Myrtill & Pintér Tibor Duo
The amusing way they perform evergreens and standards attracts a huge audience every month, and has a large number of frequenters.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

Sárik Péter Trio feat. Falusi Mariann - Jazz Request Show in Hungarian 3.
Sárik Péter trio is one of the most ascendant jazz groups in Hungary. The band has performed with an amazing number of guests and therefore have a great network of amazing musicians.

Latin Jam
This special jam will be held in the concert hall of Budapest Jazz Club, where there will be plenty of room to dance!

A Pintér Zoli 50. – születésnapi koncert
The outstanding pianist celebrates his 50th birthday among friends and colleagues.

Harmónia Jazzműhely: Guitarmagic - László Attila & Juhász Gábor & Gyárfás István
This evening will be all about the guitar - three of the best Hungarian guitarists will be on stage.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

Margittai és Társai Jazz Est: Oláh Krisztián Quartet feat. Lukács Miklós - Crescendo "LP release"

FREE Jam Session Nights:

Finucci Bros Quartet feat. Tóth Vera: Cserháti Zsuzsa jazzre hangolva
Finucci Bros' new project is to cover the works of Hungarian music legends.