
Harmónia Jazzműhely: Hajdu Klára Quartet - Journey Lemezbemutató Koncert
Hajdu Klára, an outstanding Hungarian jazz vocalist, has been chosen songstress of the year by the readers of Hungarian jazz blog

FREE Jam Session Nights:

Contum Presents: Mike Gotthard Group
The music of Mike Gotthard is an exciting variation of blues, rock, jazz and funk.

Glass of Jazz vol.10. - Jubileumi kiadás!
The event, where wine lovers can meet jazz fans to see why these two things make an exceptional match.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

The band plays traditional manouche-swing with a special hungarian instrument called the cimbalom.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

Based on jazz, their music spreads its style to modern soul, R’n’B, and pop music.

The presents: Budapest Jazz Orchestra: Zakar Zoltán - Az Erdő Titkai
BJO believes in the importance of making the music available to the jazz-loving audience, to show them how it has changed and evolved in the past decades, and to introduce them to the various performers who are considered as milestones in this style of music.

Tommy Vig - "Forradalmi sorozat"
Tommy Vig is 82. To him the word „jazz" means something special: that explains the title of his current group, featuring Csuhaj Barna Tibor, Jeszenszky György and Zsoldos Béla.

Harmónia Jazzműhely: Pataj Jazz Quintet feat. Moldovai Dóra
The formation, established in 2009, performs compositions that have become standards of the hard bop musicians from the 1960s-1970s. On this evening, a young singer, Dóra Moldovai, will join the wellrehearsed group, which now enjoys great prestige.

FREE Jam Session Nights: