
FREE Jam Session Nights:

Gary Willis - Gergő Borlai Project feat. Llibert Fortuny, Szebényi Dániel

Gary Willis - Gergő Borlai Project feat. Llibert Fortuny, Szebényi Dániel

FREE Jam Session Nights:

Finucci Bros Quartet feat. Tóth Vera
Finucci Bros’ new project is to cover the works of Hungarian music legends. This night, they will perform the music of legendary songstress Zsuzsa Cserháti with Vera Tóth, one of the greatest Hungarian singers.

Redbaron feat. Filkey Péter
The Red Baron Quintet has been covering classics and rarities of jazz for twenty years.

Djabe 4 albums show
In the last 2 years Djabe produced its outstanding albums of their history in the best analogue quality possible, on half-speed 45RPM LPs at Abbey Road Studio, London.

Harmónia Jazzműhely: Pataj Jazz Quintet feat. Moldovai Dóra
The formation, established in 2009, performs compositions that have become standards of the hard bop musicians from the 1960s-1970s. On this evening, a young singer, Dóra Moldovai, will join the wellrehearsed group, which now enjoys great prestige.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

Organ Jazz Review Budapest 2019

FREE Jam Session Nights:

ALERANT Jazz Night: Barabás Lőrinc: Random Wednesday
These Wednesdays are random because the leader of the project, Barabás Lőrinc invites well-known characters of the contemporary Hungarian jazz scene to create something amazing in the form of a jam session.