
FREE Jam Session Nights:

Pintér Zoltán Trio feat. Zana Zoltán
Every jazz pianist’s dream is to play in a band where he can achieve his own ideas.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

Balázs Elemér Group
The Elemer Balázs Group, one of Hungary’s most popular jazz band was founded in 2000 by Elemér Balázs, the internationally widely recognized and popular jazz drummer.

Yamaha Jazz Night: Horváth Tojás Gábor Trio: "Multiverse" lemezbemutató

FREE Jam Session Nights:

Harcsa Veronika & Gyémánt Bálint QUARTET
The internationally known and popular Veronika Harcsa and the highly recognized Bálint Gyémánt singer-guitarist duo are a special bright spot of the domestic, and proud to say, even the European music scene.

Grund Színház: Maestro
Since the audience is the judge of the match from the beginning to the end, no matter what language you speak, you will definitely enjoy this impro event.

Four Dogs
4Dogs, led by András Wahorn, attempts to transform momentary impressions of several musicians to musical language, to communicate with sounds and tones.

Ecool Jazz Night: Balázs József Quintet
In addition to his success in jazz, Balázs József is considered as a recognised orchestrator and composer in other genres as well.

Harmónia Jazzműhely: Modern Art Orchestra
Even by international standards, this is one of the best and most original big bands I’ve heard int he last 10-15 years!

The Hungarian ambassador of smooth jazz is returning to BJC with special material.

Glass of Jazz vol.7. - A night for lovers of jazz and wine
The event, where wine lovers can meet jazz fans to see why these two things make an exceptional match.