
Pálmai Panna and Kardos Dániel
Pálmai Panna, leader of manouche swing band Pankastic! invites the audience csak join her for an intimate show with suprise guests.

Kosztolánszki Quintet
Kosztolánszki Quintet is a young, energetic band, which plays audience-friendly modern jazz based on the musical world of the '50s and '60s.

Révész Richárd Latin Quartet, Feat. Mario Ochoa, Nádor Dávid, Molnár Levente
Once one starts evaluating a musician, it is almost impossible to make it short.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

Voice & Guitar: Micheller Myrtill & Pintér Tibor Duo
The amusing way they perform evergreens and standards attracts a huge audience every month, and has a large number of frequenters.

Ecool Jazz Night - World Stars at Budapest Jazz Club: Chris Potter - Gilad Hekselman - Németh Ferenc Trio
The trio is a promising meeting of three extremely virtuoso world class musicians.

Troschel - Stumbras - Szendrődy Band
The richly talented young jazz players Benny Troschel, Mindaugas Stumbras and Szecső Szendrődy met during their tour with the renowned Jazz World Orchestra in 2018, mutually got inspired with their playing and decided to form a band.

Gyárfás Péter Trio
All three members are important figures of the Hungarian jazz scene.

ALERANT Jazz Night: Gáspár Károly Trio feat. Gereben Zita
The music of this trio respecting the mainstream roots of jazz. To make their performance even deeper, a well-known Hungarian songstress will accompany them this evening.

FREE Jam Session Nights: