
FREE Jam Session Nights:

ALERANT Jazz Night: Finucci Bros Quartet feat. Szinetár Dóra - Movie Soundtrack Night
Finucci Bros has been regularly performing thematic jazz concerts, so their shows are a great meeting point for their growing fan club and for those who are getting to know jazz.

CANCELLED! Budapest Bossanova
Authentic bossa nova vibes from Brasil, intimate, light tunes with traditional bossa rhythm.

The INFORADIO presents: Juhász Márton Quartet
Award winning jazz drummer active across Europe, who has played with the likes of Lionel Loueke, Byron Wallen, Gilad Hekselman, Wolfgang Muthspiel & many others leads a quartet playing (mostly) original compositions in the contemporary fusion vein.

Harmónia Jazzműhely:

CANCELLED! Pocsai Kriszta & Schneider Zoltán Duo feat. Fekete-Kovács Kornél
Pocsai Kriszta grips her current mood and memories of past feelings in her swing, groovy or latin songs.

Ecool Jazz Night: SoLaTi
Solati band combines the characteristics of jazz with Hip-Hop, Neo Soul, and R'n'B. The music is written by pianist Tzumo Árpád, and the author of the lyrics is Kriszta Pocsai, who makes the music whole with her brilliant voice.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

Voice Drops - Jazz Fusion Time
The beautiful union of five voices, and an exciting journey among jazz, pop and Hungarian folk music.

Free Summer Jam: Balázs József Trio
Balázs József is the leader and arranger of the East Gipsy Band which was immensely successful both at New York’s famous Blue Note and at the Detroit Jazz Festival, and he also happens to be one of the best jazz pianists in Hungary.