
Harmónia Jazzműhely: Elsa Valle Latin Jazz Syndicate
The Cuban singer Elsa Valle, who lives in Hungary and is known for her vibrant energy, always performs with a fitting accompaniment.

Free Jam Session Nights with dominents Hungarian jazz musicians on every weekeden at Budapest Jazz Club.

Harmónia Jazzműhely: Heidi Vogel (UK) & The Balázs József Trio
Balázs József is the leader and arranger of the East Gipsy Band which was immensely successful both at New York’s famous Blue Note and at the Detroit Jazz Festival, and he also happens to be one of the best jazz pianists in Hungary. Heidi Vogel, a singer from London, initially started making her professional debut touring with Cirque du Soleil.

Elek István Quartet feat. Pocsai Kriszta
The Quartet is part of the so-called “mainstream”, with a program tribute to the great predecessors and successors of Jazz. Tonight, they do so with a guest singer.

FREE Jam Session Nights: BJC BEAT JAM
Even we were taken by surprise by the immense success of our Summer Jam Session events. Therefore, we decided to continue the series throughout the year with groovy and funky sounds. Each Wednesday BJC Beat Jam will present you the most mind-blowing side of jazz.

FIDELIO Jazz Night: Ávéd János Balance
This projects hardly use the experience of fitting our musical ideas to each other and have the skill of composing together “real time”.

d1 tv jazz night: Chabanda
The band was founded by Gyula Csabai, who has mostly appeared on the Hungarian world music stage in the past decades.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

The INFORADIO presents: BG5
Our job is to present real talent when we hear it. Share the experience with us and listen to these rising stars.

Lengyel Free Jazz Mikulás : 100nka (PL)
The experimental jazz band is visiting Budapest again after a longer break. Be sure you don't miss the show if you haven't heard them yet.

FREE Jam Session Nights: BJC JAM SESSION
Free Jam Session Nights with dominents Hungarian jazz musicians on every weekeden at Budapest Jazz Club.

Budapest Jazz Orchestra feat. Juhász Gábor
BJO believes in the importance of making the music available to the jazz-loving audience, to show them how it has changed and evolved in the past decades, and to introduce them to the various performers who are considered as milestones in this style of music.

FREE Jam Session Nights: BJC JAM SESSION
Free Jam Session Nights with dominents Hungarian jazz musicians on every weekeden at Budapest Jazz Club.

Harmónia Jazzműhely: Oláh Dezső Trio
Oláh Dezső is the Junior Prima award-winning young pianist-composer, already a well respected member of the jazz fraternity.

ALERANT Jazz Night: UNESCO International Jazz Day: Szakcsi Jr. Trio feat. Pocsai Kriszta & Soso
In November 2011, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) officially designated April 30 as International Jazz Day in order to highlight jazz and its diplomatic role of uniting people in all corners of the globe.
Hungarian-born Tomi Balogh and Flint, Michigan native Bubby Lewis are set to captivate audiences with their combined musical prowess.