
Egy Kiss Erzsi Zene - ˝SZABAD A SZÍV˝ lemezbemutató koncert
Egy Kiss Erzsi Zene presents its album release concert with the title of „Szabad a szív” on December 21st, at Budapest Jazz Club.

Szeleburdi Vasárnapok – Szeleburdi Live: Gryllus Vilmos karácsonyi műsora (D1 TV felvétel)
Music performance for kids in Hungarian.

FREE Jam Session Nights: BJC JAM SESSION
Free Jam Session Nights with dominents Hungarian jazz musicians on every weekeden at Budapest Jazz Club.

Harmónia Jazzműhely: Lukács Miklós Trio
Miklós Lukács is the unsurpassable master of the cimbalom who plays this folk instrument characteristic of our region typical of our region not only with astonishing virtuosity that the audience has the impression the instrument has been invented only to use while playing jazz music.

FREE Jam Session Nights: BJC JAM SESSION
Free Jam Session Nights with dominents Hungarian jazz musicians on every weekeden at Budapest Jazz Club.

Harmónia Jazzműhely: Szőke Niki születésnapi koncert
Szőke Nikoletta is one of the most popular Hungarian jazz singers, who has gained great succes all around the world.

Koós-Hutás Áron & Finucci Bros. Quartet
Finucci Bros Quartet presents the outstanding instrumentalists and epoch-making composers of jazz. Guest:trumpeter Áron Koós-Hutás.

FREE Jam Session Nights: BJC GROOVE JAM
Gábor Gajdacsi - guitar
Miklós Kiszin - bass
Zoltán Cséry - piano
Máté Vincze-Fekete - drums
Free concert and jam session with catchy grooves by great Hungarian musicians on Wednesdays at Budapest Jazz Club.

d1 tv jazz night: Windsingers
Windsingers is an exceptional a capella group, who always prepare with something thematic – now they are warming up for the holidays

Hajdu Klára Quartet - Journey Lemezbemutató Koncert
Hajdu Klára, an outstanding Hungarian jazz vocalist, has been chosen songstress of the year by the readers of Hungarian jazz blog

FREE Jam Session Nights:

Pastell Contemporro
The band’s style is mainly characterized by traditional swing, but contemporary music.

Farkasházi Réka és a Tintanyúl karácsonyváró koncertje
Music performance for kids in Hungarian.

FREE Jam Session Nights: BJC JAM SESSION
Free Jam Session Nights with dominents Hungarian jazz musicians on every weekeden at Budapest Jazz Club.

ALERANT Jazz Night: UNESCO International Jazz Day: Szakcsi Jr. Trio feat. Pocsai Kriszta & Soso
In November 2011, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) officially designated April 30 as International Jazz Day in order to highlight jazz and its diplomatic role of uniting people in all corners of the globe.
Hungarian-born Tomi Balogh and Flint, Michigan native Bubby Lewis are set to captivate audiences with their combined musical prowess.